Need for developing large-scale energy storage
On 11 April 2023 CE Delft, an independent research and consultancy organisation, published the ‘Key Report Policy for Large-scale Battery Systems and Off-take Network Congestion’. The report’s main conclusion states that batteries are necessary for the energy transition and can be connected congestion-neutrally. Accordingly batteries do not aggravate congestion. The report does however conclude that batteries cannot solve grid congestion.
It goes without saying that SemperPower stands behind the CE Delft conclusion and is therefore of the opinion that large-scale energy storage is essential to accelerate the energy transition. Fortunately, we’re not alone here - as can be seen in the quotes below from independent players such as the ACM, EZK and TenneT.
With regard to solving grid congestion, we believe that through cooperation and entering into agreements, batteries actually can make a contribution here. In our opinion, the government needs to develop policy for this. Our opinion is shared by others including independent energy expert Jan Willem Zwang, and is set out in his article ‘Batteries can indeed solve congestion’ [1].
Consumer & Market Authority (ACM)
“The ACM wants to accelerate the energy transition for everyone. It is therefore important that the integration of electricity storage should be facilitated, among other things via the grid tariff structure. In addition to their role in balancing supply and demand, batteries can also help relieve the load on the grid. Investments can be avoided and cost saved if batteries consistently relieve the load on the grid.” [2]
Economic Affairs & Climate (EZK)
“There is a great deal of flexibility needed to keep the future sustainable energy system in balance. Large-scale batteries will play an important part in years to come in balancing fluctuating demand and fluctuating supply (electricity from solar and wind) at all times. Accordingly, batteries have an important part to play in a sustainable, CO2-free, affordable and dependable energy system.” [3]
COO, TenneT
“In order to safeguard future security of supply, policy will need to focus in particular on adding greater flexibility to demand, developing storage and stimulating controllable generation capacity.” [4]
We realise that solving the problem outlined extends beyond one organisation or even one technology. Accordingly, we are of the opinion that grid reinforcement is also very important. However, all the parties involved and the available technologies are needed together to accelerate the energy transition. The authorities will therefore also have to play their part and take the reins.