Press release
We are proud to announce that SemperPower has commissioned its first large-scale energy storage system project of 10 MW in Terneuzen, The Netherlands. Today we also announce that SemperPower has entered into a strategic partnership with investor Stecc Group to support the growth of the company.
Semper stands for Always. Always Energy. This is the added value of large-scale energy storage. The mission is: We always make green energy available! SemperPower offers added value by using a specialized and dedicated team that develops, realizes, and operates energy storage systems to execute concrete local and market optimisations.
Project Star
The 10 MW/10MWh energy storage system in Terneuzen is realized with local stakeholders Windfarm Koegorspolder, Yara Sluiskil and the municipality of Terneuzen. The funding partners for this project are Stecc Capital and Triodos Bank. Alfen acted as project supplier and installer. SemperPower will manage all operations and trading optimization.
Partnership Stecc Capital
With Stecc Capital, SemperPower found a strong strategic partner for further growth of the company, supported with an investment of several million Euros. Stecc Capital has a strong network and track record of building, growing and investing in companies involved in the energy transition, including Sunrock, Vandebron, Harvest Waste and Soto Solar.
Dennis Schiricke,
CEO, SemperPower
“By completing the project in Terneuzen, an important step has been taken to demonstrate that large-scale energy storage systems can be realized commercially in The Netherlands. This provides a proof of concept that we can use in the energy market to let market parties experience how it works and how it can be realized together. By working together with Stecc, we can realize local optimizations even quicker.”
Willem-Jan Schutte,
Partner, Stecc Capital
‘’This partnership with SemperPower is an unique opportunity for Stecc Capital to further enhance its contribution to accelerating the global energy transition. The group is delighted to support this ambitious, entrepreneurial and knowledgeable management team in expanding its operations in Europe. Synergies derived from SemperPower’s technical-and energy management expertise, with Stecc’s project development capabilities will be a significant asset to win renewable energy storage opportunities. Furthermore, SemperPower will be an important factor in the roll-out of a new comprehensive clean energy company in Europe by Stecc Capital.”